Sunday, December 25, 2011

Next Up...

Greetings to all my readers. A Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a joyous Kwanzaa and an Artful New Year to all...

2012 is still a few days off, but already off to a beautiful start. A little lesson for you about life here in the sunshine state - specifically my region of Tampa Bay - our economy is driven by tourism. Coming from a land heralded for its white sand beaches and outlying barrier islands - I myself can attest to the predictable peaks and lapses in activity that come yearly.

From spring to early summer our resorts bustle with activity from the nation's spring-breakers and international guests who fly in from Europe and Australia. This crowd mostly disperses before the summer heat reaches its peak and then in fall and winter the crowds return anew with tourists from the northern states, eager to escape the snow and ice.

From late spring and on through late fall is the typical season of art festivals, galas and exhibits - to market to the tourists and visitors when their numbers peak. Then from Christmas to spring again is that lapse when the best use of an artist's time is to purchase new stock with the profits made earlier.

2012 is off to a refreshingly busy start. There are currently two framed works of mine installed at Ruth Eckerd Hall with my fellow T.E.S.A. Members. Visitors of the theater may browse these works and purchase their favorites while they await the performances. This exhibit has been featured in multiple local newspapers - The Beacon, The Leader and The Bee - and the article is available for you to read on line at...


...until the link is archived.

Then from the 2nd to the 31st of the New Year, another exhibit will be hosted by T.E.S.A. at the Stirling Studios of Dunedin. This show will feature a new gallery wrap of mine - titled The Macaw. Featuring an inquisitive inhabitant of The Suncoast Parrot Sanctuary - The first of many wildlife portraits that I intend to release in 2012.

And in March of 2012 I shall again participate in that artful night... The Fifth Annual Largo Library Art Hop and Taste Fest. This is one night gala in Largo's Public Library, a spacious, beautiful building, in which local artists, crafters and purveyors of gourmet delights, will cater to the public. A ticket to this exhibition earns visitors free access to view and purchase fine art at the Library, and round trip, on trolleys, to other local businesses for samples of art and gourmet treats. Later that evening visitors may also participate in the silent auction of art and gifts - proceeds benefit the Greater Largo Library Foundation. My piece "Cape of the Twilight" shall be among the auctioned items.

The below articles and invitations have been released by The Greater Largo Library Foundation and T.E.S.A. to advertise these events. I hope to see many of my friends and fellow artists participate and enjoy.

Until my next update, enjoy yourself and be creative. Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Suncoast Parrot Sanctuary makes the news

It's always wonderful to be able to call attention to your friends and that's made easier when the media finds them. I've had the pleasure of visiting Captain Tut Barret of the Suncoast Parrot Sanctuary in the past for his photographic needs. The Sanctuary acts as a shelter and rehabilitation clinic for displaced and injured parrots. These are among my favorite creatures to capture on my digital camera as they are amazingly expressive, vibrant and always very curious of technology.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Missing owl ID-ed?

On my latest hike for new photos I visited McGough Nature Center in Largo ... An exceptional location, with trails that snake through lush high pine and palm hammocks on their way to a private boardwalk with an amazing view of the inter coastal waterway. A year ago this was the site of an owl heist. During the dark of night, an intruder attempted to steal or set free a fledgling great horned owl who was being cared for by the nature center. "J.R. the owl" had fallen from his nest and was abandoned by his mother. It was assumed that he had no knowledge of how to fend for himself in the wild, hence, when he was released by this uninformed intruder it was assumed that his would be a short life. On my hike, I came across an older gentleman who was birdwatching along the trails and he guided me to a mature great horned owl perching at the top of a pine tree. He was awestruck when I pointed out in my camera's viewfinder what appears to be a band around the owl's leg and he immediately ran to get the park ranger. This small band may be the identifier to prove this owl is the missing J.R. I have sent my photographs to the Nature Center and I'm currently waiting for the results of their analysis.

These photographs remain unedited but seem to show a band around the owl's leg.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Discover the Island Day

Presented by the Egmont Key Alliance, Discover the Island Beach Day and Auction will be held on November 12th and the 13th. Guests may enjoy a scenic beach getaway on picturesque Egmont Key. Shuttle boats will ferry you from Fort Desoto State Park in South Saint Petersburg to the Key for a day of nature tours, relaxation, historic re-enactments, kids pirate games,and a benefit auction featuring pieces donated by local artists. For ticket information please visit The Alliance has recently published the below flyer containing more information.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

The 2012 Largo Library Art Hop

Coming on March 24th 2012, the 4th Annual Largo Library Art Hop will showcase the art and wares of Pinellas artists, local businesses, and the youth artists of the area from 6  to 11 PM. 

What is it?

Art Hop is a catered, one-night art show, held at Largo Public Library and presented by the Greater Largo Library Foundation, which features wonderful visual art, sculpture, music and culinary art, delicious foods, entertainment and dancing.

How does it work?

The art exhibit showcases the talent and wears of local artists at the Library and permits the free sale of art with no commission. Each artist purchases a table or space in the library, in advance, and may set up all the art he or she can safely fit. The library closes early on the designated day and artists participating are encouraged (but not obligated) to donate a artwork of their choice to the charity auction, held in a library meeting room. All proceeds from the auction benefit educational programs offered by the Foundation. Meanwhile, away from the Library, local restaurants and businesses also participating in the event welcome guests ferried to their doorstep via free PSTA transportation.

Where is it?

Largo Public Library is located in Largo Central Park at 120 central Park Drive, Largo, FL  33771.

What does it cost to attend and view the art?

The ticket price is $30 per person in advance, purchase and pick up tickets at Largo Library before the night of March 24th 2012, at the door they are slightly more.

What does it cost to participate and sell my art?

·         For artists and vendors, the cost per table is $50, you must submit your entree form and payment by December 1st, 2011 if you wish to participate. Request these forms by emailing, subject line "Art Hop"

·         Artists are encouraged to donate a piece of art to the charity auction to be held at the Library, but this is not an obligation. If you would like to donate to the charity auction your auction auction forms must be submitted by December 1st, 2011 and your auctionable artwork must be delivered by February 15th 2012. Request these forms by emailing, subject line "Art Hop"

·         Artists who would like to have their work advertised in the Art Hop brochure may do so for a nominal fee, ad sizes range from business-card-size to half-page to full-page ads. To request an ad inquire via email at, subject line "Art Hop"

Where can I get more information

Visit the website of the Greater Largo Library Foundation at or call 727-586-7398.

Room to Grow

Until the economy takes a more upward turn the majority of my artwork and modifications to the website will continue to be made from my workshop out of the home office. Space becoming somewhat limited lately with the amount of projects I have underway and the stock necessary to keep art shows going, it's become necessary to locate storage space elsewhere. I've been on tours of storage facilities and warehouses in the area. I know the combination of services I need, but locating them at the right price was the tricky part. Photography and art on paper needs a low-humidity, cool-environment and I need room to grow with the exciting opportunities coming out of T.E.S.A. and P.P.A.S. I've decided on Metro Storage because they offer just what I'm looking for at a reasonable price and best of all they are close enough to drive to and from in a half hour or less. If you would like to get more information on their offers for your own needs go to

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Friday, September 2, 2011

A Special Thank you to CCC and Gainor Roberts

Recently we were honored with the invitation to present a number of framed works at Tampa's Carrollwood Cultural Center. This TESA-sponsored art exhibit in the theater and lofts of a spacious theater, ran a full month from August 1st to August 31st. As we safely tuck away the artwork for the next exhibit to come we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the people who made this exhibit a marvelous success. Carrollwood Cultural Center is bustling with activity and offerings to the public. On the day TESA began setting-up and preparing to hang framed art, we enjoyed a short rehearsal by a drama club preparing for a Doctor Seuss play. The spacious theater lent well to the acoustics of the clarinet and piano duet on the night of our Artist's Reception. Even as the works came off the walls on the 31st, we were greeted by the melody of a man rehearsing a jazzy saxophone melody upstairs. Thank you to TESA for arranging this event and thank you to Gainor Roberts especially, who coordinated the hanging of the art. The pieces were displayed expertly with complementing colors and themes side by side and ample care and regard was shown to each piece of art.

Again, Thank you all and we look forward to the next time our art may be displayed upon CCC walls.

Lyle Polyak and family.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Photo Opp at The Suncoast Parrot Sanctuary

I had the distinct pleasure to visit the Pinellas Suncoast Parrot Sanctuary this weekend and meet its founder and President Captain “Tut” Barrett. The Sanctuary takes in Parrots who are injured or handicapped, who have outlived their keepers and other exotic birds from families that can no longer afford to keep them. Captain Tut does an excellent job nursing these beautiful birds back to health, training them and providing for them. The birds in turn provide affection, education and entertainment for PARC, Disney, local parades and other events. Captain Barrett has become an authority on Parrot Health and well-being with local veterinary clinics and it is always a pleasure to photograph animals who approach my camera out of personal curiosity. My crew and I wish him the best and hope we may be invited back should he require photography for advertisement in the future. Expect to see a variety of color parrot photos added to the Take Flight Gallery in weeks to come.

Please visit the Suncoast Parrot Sanctuary Website at and consider donating to aid its efforts.

"Hey, whatcha got there?"

Captain Tut with Cockatoos.

Parrots like their toys.

Captain Tut with a Macaw.

An African Gray.

These guys love attention.

"Ah! Flash!"

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Art at Carrollwood Cultural Center

The Exhibiting Society of Artists latest open-to-the public venue, is at Carrollwood Cultural Center in Tampa, Florida. The Exhibit has been on since August 1st with an artist's reception on August 19th. This has been an excellent opportunity to showcase my work and see the style of my peers in TESA. This Exhibit will close on August 31st. The artwork has been distributed to both floors of the building so there is amble room to browse. I was able to attend the reception on Friday night, the 19th, and enjoy the clarinet and piano music of Irving Weiner and Margaret-Mary Owens as I walked around. Thankfully, I was able to snap some pictures of my work.and that of others.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bright House Networks takes in TLWH Comics

An August 23rd art exhibit, hosted by Bright House Networks Corporation, A Florida cable television provider, will feature a nine-frame collage of comic short stories and standalones from The Long Way Home: Tales from Eerie High. This exhibit is provided by The Exhibiting Society of Artists and seems an excellent way to raise awareness about my other artistic interests.

The Long Way Home is an original comic series utilizing photographic backgrounds alongside CG-drawn characters. It follows the story of two twins, Kayla and Nicoletta Long, and their comedic adventures in a High School staffed by eccentric faculty and populated by very unusual classmates. The comic is a satire of Japanese Manga and gives subtle homage to writers and personalities of the mystery and horror genres.

This comic has previously appeared in art shows and lectures at Largo Library, Seminole Library and Park Station Gallery. Issue #2 Will release on September 3rd on my website and will be available for viewing at Park Station Gallery, Pinellas Park FL.

A selected page from Issue #1 of The Long Way Home

A visitor reads the biography accompanying Issue #1 at Park Station Gallery

Three story boards from Issue #1 on display at Seminole Library

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Sunday, August 7, 2011


Art, food and fun on August 21st at Park Station Gallery. For more info, I will let the AD do the talking, click the below image to enlarge.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Examiner Reporter Calls All Eyes to PPAS

Sara Dees, a reporter for the Tampa Bay Examiner has recently featured the Pinellas Park Art Society, it's members and it's art on the Examiner's website. These two articles call attention to the extraordinary talent of the Society's members, and to the many opportunities that PPAS affords to it's subscribed artisans.

We in PPAS sincerely hope that Miz Dees will continue to patronize our efforts online and with her network of friends.

(Photography to come... pending permissions from

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New software is a thing of beauty

I do make a habit to glean advise from my friends, customers, associates and the like. This tidbit of helpful information came from a blog presentation hosted by Mr and Mrs. Menaul of Menaul Printing - Simply the best place to get your photos and sketches printed large scale on canvas or other medium. Their presenter, professional wedding photographer, Carrie Wildes (, suggested to the attendees a variety of online means to make our art businesses pop with blogs, web design and slide shows. It was this advice that prompted me to subscribe to the blog that you are reading now. The same advice lead me to become a member of Professional Photographers of America and also inspired my latest venture... Slide shows. If you've visited the website recently you will notice that the tired old grid of thumbnails has been aptly replaced by FLASH slide shows produced by SlideShowPro.

This is an online subscription firm that I upload my sample photos to, and they engineer Flash Presentations for me to upload to my website. It's so fast and easy I couldn't believe it! Just a few clicks to decide the options I want and I had a slide show that was visually stunning and ready to go. The same slide shows include a pop-up/drop down text box that "materializes" with info on the photograph currently displayed, and control buttons to quickly jump to desired images. You can subscribe to this service to for just $30 for 6 months of slide show hosting. just go to Enjoy!

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Work in Progress

To better tease my friends in the artistic world I have long distinguished them as belonging to one of the two "families of art." The Clean Arts - being photography, Computer Graphics and sketch - are my specialties. None of which involve the mixing of pigments or handling of wet clay. The other family is, of course, The Messy Arts, into which we categorize the painters and pottery masters of my circle of friends. I don't often paint, simply because I am one of those outdoorsy folks that enjoys hiking and cruising the beaches, which my camera slung nearby. Still, the genre intrigues me enough to experiment whenever I have time. I've never had a formal painting class, and I certainly don't have any particular technique, but since I have just started a small work on canvas, I thought it might be interesting to post it here on the blog and see what it evolves into.

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As of 9:30 AM...

And again at 5:00 PM

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A Special Thank You to Taste Cafe!

Taste Cafe in Safety Harbor has been the host to several of my photos since early June. Since I first installed these pieces I was delighted with the venue and the owners of this wonderful Safety Harbor eatery and would certainly recommend Taste Cafe to any friends and visitors in the area. I truly hope that they will be willing to work me in future shows. It has been a blast.

Thanks, your generosity and kindness are much appreciated!

Taste Cafe is located at 500 Main Street in Safety Harbor, Florida

For more information go to

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Fun Times with PPAS

My 15 page comic, The Long Way Home, was a runner-up at The Seminole Library Art Show. It's been a fun time and anyone who missed the show can still see Issue #1 at it's new home, Park Station. The Pinellas Park Art Society (PPAS) will be hosting the comic until September when it will be replaced by the nearly-complete, Issue Two.

As a member of Pinellas Park Art Society, I can attest to the group's continuing success and many intriguing plans for the future. I would also recommend membership to everyone to has an interest in art in any of it's varying genres. Thus far the group is composed of artists who dabble in photography, CGI, watercolors, oil paints, acrylics, pastels, scratch board, jewelry, clothing, and more. We even have regular recitals by some very talented musicians.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

TESA Annouces Art Exhibit at Carrollwood Cultural Center

The Exhibiting Society of Artists (TESA) in cooperation with Tampa's Carrollwood Cultural Center is presenting a members-only fine arts exhibit in the Cultual Centers luxurious galleries. The exhibit will set up on August 1st and closes on August 31st. On August 19th from 6:00 to 9:00 PM, TESA will hold a reception party featuring musicians, Irving Weiner and Margaret-Mary Owens, in piano-clarinet duet.

The Cultural Center is located at 4537 Lowell Road, Tampa, FL 33618.
I am proud to have been invited to exhibit in my first exhibition as a member of TESA. I plan to present a number of large scale works including Giclees, color and black and white photos and Computer Graphic enhanced sketches.

For more information on The Exhibiting Society of Artist's please visit the Society's website at

For more information on the venue and the efforts of the Carrollwood Cultural Center, please visit their website,

More news to come!

(this image of Carrollwood Cultural Center is from the center's website)

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm in T.E.S.A.!?!

The Exhibiting Society of Artists (TESA) is a committee of professional artists whose purpose is to promote original, contemporary art and artists in the community. I submitted an application to join them, but deep in my mind a part of me suspected that my chances of acceptance were slim. Why? Of the two members of TESA I know, one is a college professor, who hosts amazing art shows, and presents some of the most spectacular sculptural works I have ever seen, and the other is an acknowledged master of watercolors, who teaches various techniques and manages another art society in Pinellas Park. Some amazing people chair this committee, so to be welcomed by them left me in awe. Already, I'm making plans to exhibit at a TESA venue in August, The Carrolwood Cultural Center, and I will have more news on that shortly.

For more information on TESA check out
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

SPC Lecture an Astonishing Success.

My lecture at SPC's Seminole Campus Library was extraordinary fun. Arrived at 10:30 to set-up - It was the first time since college that I gave a lecture with projector-assist and the screen dwarfed much of the conference room wall. Seeing the comics and the characters larger than life that was thrill in itself. The crowd was perhaps 20-30 attendees in size, composed of SPC students, a member or two from Pinellas Park Art Society and some curious visitors. Toting the camera along would have been a pain in addition to the laptop and equipment I needed to showcase, so for photos I relied on a member of the audience with a mobile phone camera.

Started off with a bit about me and my background. 1.) My comics originated at Streamwood High School when I attended art club and provided images for the School Newsletter. 2.) My greatest influence was Larson who produced the Far Side Comics, 3.) I was introduced to Japanese Manga in Eckerd College and fell in love with the expressive faces and simplistic design.

Got rather philosophical for a while while I discussed the two main characters of my comic series - Kayla and Nikki. Identical twins whose personalities and dreams are polar opposites, but ultimately the software that I use was the star of the show - as it should be. I gave the audience a crash course in how I use Smith Micro Manga Studio to produce a comic page - from start to finish
Start with a simple pencil sketch.
  1. The sketch gets scanned into the PC
  2. Then Manga Studio transforms the pencil sketch into a digital outline.
  3. The outline gets filled with color and shading.
  4. A photo background is added in using layering tools
  5. Then dialogue is inserted with word balloons.
The audience seemed to be impressed and amused which was the goal. and I decided long before to go unscripted. I don't want to bore people by reading from a page in a monotone voice. Once the series is complete this July 6th there should be a vote on which of the provided comics is best in show. I'm hoping that I gained some more readers and that some of the new information I've gained might lead me to get published.

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