Friday, September 2, 2011

A Special Thank you to CCC and Gainor Roberts

Recently we were honored with the invitation to present a number of framed works at Tampa's Carrollwood Cultural Center. This TESA-sponsored art exhibit in the theater and lofts of a spacious theater, ran a full month from August 1st to August 31st. As we safely tuck away the artwork for the next exhibit to come we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the people who made this exhibit a marvelous success. Carrollwood Cultural Center is bustling with activity and offerings to the public. On the day TESA began setting-up and preparing to hang framed art, we enjoyed a short rehearsal by a drama club preparing for a Doctor Seuss play. The spacious theater lent well to the acoustics of the clarinet and piano duet on the night of our Artist's Reception. Even as the works came off the walls on the 31st, we were greeted by the melody of a man rehearsing a jazzy saxophone melody upstairs. Thank you to TESA for arranging this event and thank you to Gainor Roberts especially, who coordinated the hanging of the art. The pieces were displayed expertly with complementing colors and themes side by side and ample care and regard was shown to each piece of art.

Again, Thank you all and we look forward to the next time our art may be displayed upon CCC walls.

Lyle Polyak and family.

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