Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New software is a thing of beauty

I do make a habit to glean advise from my friends, customers, associates and the like. This tidbit of helpful information came from a blog presentation hosted by Mr and Mrs. Menaul of Menaul Printing - Simply the best place to get your photos and sketches printed large scale on canvas or other medium. Their presenter, professional wedding photographer, Carrie Wildes (, suggested to the attendees a variety of online means to make our art businesses pop with blogs, web design and slide shows. It was this advice that prompted me to subscribe to the blog that you are reading now. The same advice lead me to become a member of Professional Photographers of America and also inspired my latest venture... Slide shows. If you've visited the website recently you will notice that the tired old grid of thumbnails has been aptly replaced by FLASH slide shows produced by SlideShowPro.

This is an online subscription firm that I upload my sample photos to, and they engineer Flash Presentations for me to upload to my website. It's so fast and easy I couldn't believe it! Just a few clicks to decide the options I want and I had a slide show that was visually stunning and ready to go. The same slide shows include a pop-up/drop down text box that "materializes" with info on the photograph currently displayed, and control buttons to quickly jump to desired images. You can subscribe to this service to for just $30 for 6 months of slide show hosting. just go to Enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

(2 C More Art go to

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