Sunday, July 10, 2011

Work in Progress

To better tease my friends in the artistic world I have long distinguished them as belonging to one of the two "families of art." The Clean Arts - being photography, Computer Graphics and sketch - are my specialties. None of which involve the mixing of pigments or handling of wet clay. The other family is, of course, The Messy Arts, into which we categorize the painters and pottery masters of my circle of friends. I don't often paint, simply because I am one of those outdoorsy folks that enjoys hiking and cruising the beaches, which my camera slung nearby. Still, the genre intrigues me enough to experiment whenever I have time. I've never had a formal painting class, and I certainly don't have any particular technique, but since I have just started a small work on canvas, I thought it might be interesting to post it here on the blog and see what it evolves into.

Thanks for reading.

As of 9:30 AM...

And again at 5:00 PM

(2 C More art go to

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