Thursday, July 28, 2011

Examiner Reporter Calls All Eyes to PPAS

Sara Dees, a reporter for the Tampa Bay Examiner has recently featured the Pinellas Park Art Society, it's members and it's art on the Examiner's website. These two articles call attention to the extraordinary talent of the Society's members, and to the many opportunities that PPAS affords to it's subscribed artisans.

We in PPAS sincerely hope that Miz Dees will continue to patronize our efforts online and with her network of friends.

(Photography to come... pending permissions from

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New software is a thing of beauty

I do make a habit to glean advise from my friends, customers, associates and the like. This tidbit of helpful information came from a blog presentation hosted by Mr and Mrs. Menaul of Menaul Printing - Simply the best place to get your photos and sketches printed large scale on canvas or other medium. Their presenter, professional wedding photographer, Carrie Wildes (, suggested to the attendees a variety of online means to make our art businesses pop with blogs, web design and slide shows. It was this advice that prompted me to subscribe to the blog that you are reading now. The same advice lead me to become a member of Professional Photographers of America and also inspired my latest venture... Slide shows. If you've visited the website recently you will notice that the tired old grid of thumbnails has been aptly replaced by FLASH slide shows produced by SlideShowPro.

This is an online subscription firm that I upload my sample photos to, and they engineer Flash Presentations for me to upload to my website. It's so fast and easy I couldn't believe it! Just a few clicks to decide the options I want and I had a slide show that was visually stunning and ready to go. The same slide shows include a pop-up/drop down text box that "materializes" with info on the photograph currently displayed, and control buttons to quickly jump to desired images. You can subscribe to this service to for just $30 for 6 months of slide show hosting. just go to Enjoy!

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Work in Progress

To better tease my friends in the artistic world I have long distinguished them as belonging to one of the two "families of art." The Clean Arts - being photography, Computer Graphics and sketch - are my specialties. None of which involve the mixing of pigments or handling of wet clay. The other family is, of course, The Messy Arts, into which we categorize the painters and pottery masters of my circle of friends. I don't often paint, simply because I am one of those outdoorsy folks that enjoys hiking and cruising the beaches, which my camera slung nearby. Still, the genre intrigues me enough to experiment whenever I have time. I've never had a formal painting class, and I certainly don't have any particular technique, but since I have just started a small work on canvas, I thought it might be interesting to post it here on the blog and see what it evolves into.

Thanks for reading.

As of 9:30 AM...

And again at 5:00 PM

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A Special Thank You to Taste Cafe!

Taste Cafe in Safety Harbor has been the host to several of my photos since early June. Since I first installed these pieces I was delighted with the venue and the owners of this wonderful Safety Harbor eatery and would certainly recommend Taste Cafe to any friends and visitors in the area. I truly hope that they will be willing to work me in future shows. It has been a blast.

Thanks, your generosity and kindness are much appreciated!

Taste Cafe is located at 500 Main Street in Safety Harbor, Florida

For more information go to

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Fun Times with PPAS

My 15 page comic, The Long Way Home, was a runner-up at The Seminole Library Art Show. It's been a fun time and anyone who missed the show can still see Issue #1 at it's new home, Park Station. The Pinellas Park Art Society (PPAS) will be hosting the comic until September when it will be replaced by the nearly-complete, Issue Two.

As a member of Pinellas Park Art Society, I can attest to the group's continuing success and many intriguing plans for the future. I would also recommend membership to everyone to has an interest in art in any of it's varying genres. Thus far the group is composed of artists who dabble in photography, CGI, watercolors, oil paints, acrylics, pastels, scratch board, jewelry, clothing, and more. We even have regular recitals by some very talented musicians.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

TESA Annouces Art Exhibit at Carrollwood Cultural Center

The Exhibiting Society of Artists (TESA) in cooperation with Tampa's Carrollwood Cultural Center is presenting a members-only fine arts exhibit in the Cultual Centers luxurious galleries. The exhibit will set up on August 1st and closes on August 31st. On August 19th from 6:00 to 9:00 PM, TESA will hold a reception party featuring musicians, Irving Weiner and Margaret-Mary Owens, in piano-clarinet duet.

The Cultural Center is located at 4537 Lowell Road, Tampa, FL 33618.
I am proud to have been invited to exhibit in my first exhibition as a member of TESA. I plan to present a number of large scale works including Giclees, color and black and white photos and Computer Graphic enhanced sketches.

For more information on The Exhibiting Society of Artist's please visit the Society's website at

For more information on the venue and the efforts of the Carrollwood Cultural Center, please visit their website,

More news to come!

(this image of Carrollwood Cultural Center is from the center's website)

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