Sunday, December 25, 2011

Next Up...

Greetings to all my readers. A Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a joyous Kwanzaa and an Artful New Year to all...

2012 is still a few days off, but already off to a beautiful start. A little lesson for you about life here in the sunshine state - specifically my region of Tampa Bay - our economy is driven by tourism. Coming from a land heralded for its white sand beaches and outlying barrier islands - I myself can attest to the predictable peaks and lapses in activity that come yearly.

From spring to early summer our resorts bustle with activity from the nation's spring-breakers and international guests who fly in from Europe and Australia. This crowd mostly disperses before the summer heat reaches its peak and then in fall and winter the crowds return anew with tourists from the northern states, eager to escape the snow and ice.

From late spring and on through late fall is the typical season of art festivals, galas and exhibits - to market to the tourists and visitors when their numbers peak. Then from Christmas to spring again is that lapse when the best use of an artist's time is to purchase new stock with the profits made earlier.

2012 is off to a refreshingly busy start. There are currently two framed works of mine installed at Ruth Eckerd Hall with my fellow T.E.S.A. Members. Visitors of the theater may browse these works and purchase their favorites while they await the performances. This exhibit has been featured in multiple local newspapers - The Beacon, The Leader and The Bee - and the article is available for you to read on line at...


...until the link is archived.

Then from the 2nd to the 31st of the New Year, another exhibit will be hosted by T.E.S.A. at the Stirling Studios of Dunedin. This show will feature a new gallery wrap of mine - titled The Macaw. Featuring an inquisitive inhabitant of The Suncoast Parrot Sanctuary - The first of many wildlife portraits that I intend to release in 2012.

And in March of 2012 I shall again participate in that artful night... The Fifth Annual Largo Library Art Hop and Taste Fest. This is one night gala in Largo's Public Library, a spacious, beautiful building, in which local artists, crafters and purveyors of gourmet delights, will cater to the public. A ticket to this exhibition earns visitors free access to view and purchase fine art at the Library, and round trip, on trolleys, to other local businesses for samples of art and gourmet treats. Later that evening visitors may also participate in the silent auction of art and gifts - proceeds benefit the Greater Largo Library Foundation. My piece "Cape of the Twilight" shall be among the auctioned items.

The below articles and invitations have been released by The Greater Largo Library Foundation and T.E.S.A. to advertise these events. I hope to see many of my friends and fellow artists participate and enjoy.

Until my next update, enjoy yourself and be creative. Thanks for reading!